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Anarana iombonana


  1. toerana


  • Carl Meißner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (ambiguous) the lightning has struck somewhere: fulmen locum tetigit
    • (ambiguous) to collect together at one spot: in unum locum convenire, confluere
    • (ambiguous) to go to a place: se conferre in aliquem locum
    • (ambiguous) to go to a plac: petere locum
    • (ambiguous) the matter has gone so far that...; the state of affairs is such that..: res eo or in eum locum deducta est, ut...
    • (ambiguous) to give ground for suspicion: locum dare suspicioni
    • (ambiguous) to collect, accumulate instances: multa exempla in unum (locum) colligere
    • (ambiguous) to be considered the foremost orator: primum or principem inter oratores locum obtinere
    • (ambiguous) to be used as a proverb: proverbii locum obtinere (Tusc. 4. 16. 36)
    • (ambiguous) to quote a passage of Plato: locum Platonis afferre, proferre (not citare)
    • (ambiguous) to hold the first position in the state: principem in re publica locum obtinere
    • (ambiguous) to occupy the first, second position in the state: principem (primum), secundum locum dignitatis obtinere
    • (ambiguous) to found a colony somewhere: coloniam deducere in aliquem locum (vid. sect. XII. 1, note Notice too...)
    • (ambiguous) to elect a man to fill the place of another who has died whilst in office: sufficere aliquem in alicuius locum or alicui
    • (ambiguous) to succeed a person in an office: alicui or in alicuius locum succedere
    • (ambiguous) to concentrate all the troops at one point: cogere omnes copias in unum locum
    • (ambiguous) to occupy a position (with troops): capere, occupare locum
    • (ambiguous) to occupy a place beforehand: praeoccupare locum (Liv. 35. 27)
    • (ambiguous) to choose suitable ground for an engagement: locum ad pugnam idoneum deligere
  • locum in Ramminger, Johann (accessed 16 July 2016) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700[2], pre-publication website, 2005-2016
  • Ity pejy ity dia nadika avy amin'ny pejy locum tao amin'ny Wikibolana amin'ny teny anglisy. (lisitry ny mpandray anjara)