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Module:module documentation

Avy amin'i Wikibolana — Rakibolana malagasy malalaka

La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:module documentation/doc

This module automatically generates documentation for other modules. It fetches in-line comments in Lua code and
converts them into a form that can be used on a documentation page via {{tl|module documentation}}. In fact, this
module's documentation is an example of it in action!

It's helpful to do documentation this way, as it means function/method documentation is available in two places:
at the top of the module page (as conventional Wikitext), and above the function itself (as a Lua comment). Each
suits a different kind of editing style, and doing it this way keeps them synchronised.

A section of documentation is given using Lua's multi-line comment syntax, which looks something like this:
{--[==[ ... ]==]}. The number of equal signs should normally be two in order for the documentation to be properly
snarfed by {{tl|module documentation}}. The following conventions can be used inside of the documentation:
# Long lines (both in regular paragraphs and in list items) can be broken by newlines optionally followed by spaces
  or tabs (especially useful in lists, to make the raw comment more readable). In such a case, the newline is converted
  to a space. Use two newlines in a row to break paragraphs. In general, it's recommended to break lines after at most
  120 characters, to facilitate reading the raw comment.
# Template calls (using two braces) can be inserted literally and will be expanded.
# Single braces can be used to surround literal text, and will automatically be syntax-highlighted as Lua code. Nested
  braces inside of this literal text will be properly handled as long as they're balanced. If the first character of the
  literal text is itelf a brace, put a space before it (but not at the end), and it will be ignored.
# Backquotes can be used to surround parameter names, which will be displayed using {<code class="n">...</code>}.
  The stuff inside of backquotes can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens and periods.
# Double backquotes can be used to surround placeholder variable names, which will be displayed using {<var>...</var>}.
  The stuff inside of backquotes can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens and periods.
local m_str_utils = require("Module:string utilities")

local codepoint = m_str_utils.codepoint
local concat = table.concat
local insert = table.insert
local u = m_str_utils.char

local export = {}

local function format_doc(str)
	local code_blocks = {}
	local code_blocks_i = 0
	local private_use_start = 0x100000
	return (str
		 -- {} blocks
		 -- Escape to avoid removing line breaks.
		:gsub('%b{}', function(m0)
			if m0:sub(2, 2) == '{' and m0:sub(-2, -2) == '}' then return nil end
			local text = '<syntaxhighlight lang=lua' .. (m0:match'\n' and '' or ' inline') .. '>' .. m0:sub(2, -2):gsub("^ +", "") .. '</syntaxhighlight>'
			code_blocks_i = code_blocks_i + 1
			code_blocks[code_blocks_i] = text
			return u(private_use_start + code_blocks_i)
    	:gsub("([^\n])\n[ \t]*([^ \t\n#*:;])", "%1 %2") -- join continuation lines
    	:gsub("([^\n])\n[ \t]*([^ \t\n#*:;])", "%1 %2") -- do it twice in case of a single-character line (admittedly rare)
		:gsub('\n[ \t]+%f[*#:;]', '\n') -- remove indentation for list items
		:gsub('%f[\n,{]\n%f[^\n*#:;]', '\n\n') -- wiki newlines
		:gsub('(\n[ *#:]*)(|?[_%w]+=?):', '%1<code><b>%2</b></code>:') -- parameter names
		:gsub('``([A-Za-z0-9_%-.]+)``', '<var>%1</var>') -- placeholder variable names between double backquotes
		:gsub('`([A-Za-z0-9_%-.]+)`', '<code class="n">%1</code>') -- variable/parameter names between backquotes
		:gsub('\244[\128-\191][\128-\191][\128-\191]', function(char)
			return code_blocks[codepoint(char) - private_use_start]

The main entrypoint for {{tl|module documentation}}. The frame object can contain 3 optional arguments:
* |comment_level=: The number of equals signs (=) a given section uses. Default: 2 (i.e. {--[==[ ... (comment block) ]==]})
*: e.g. The value 4 means {--[====[ ... (comment block) ]====]}.
* |section_level=: The header level used for each function/method. Default: 2 (i.e. L2: {== ... ==}).
* |identifier=: A Lua string pattern. Only the comments of functions whose names match this pattern are used. When not given, all function are accepted.
*: This is useful when giving object methods, using a pattern such as {^object_name:}.
	local args = frame:getParent().args or {}
	local comment_level = tonumber(args['comment_level']) or 2
	local pattern_comment = '%-%-%[' .. ('='):rep(comment_level) .. '%[\n?(.-)\n?]' .. ('='):rep(comment_level) .. ']()'
	local section_mark = ('='):rep(tonumber(args['section_level']) or 2)
	local pattern_identifier = args['identifier'] or ''
	local mod_title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	if mod_title.text:match'/documentation$' then return '(<i>The generated documentation is located at the module page.</i>)' end
	local mod_text = mod_title:getContent()
	if not mod_text then return '(<i>The module page does not exist now.</i>)' end
	local chunk
	local leading_section_raw = mod_text:match('^' .. pattern_comment)
	if leading_section_raw then
		chunk = { format_doc(leading_section_raw) }
	else chunk = {} end
	for p0, f, fn in mod_text:gmatch('()\n[ \t]*function +(([^\n(]+)[^\n)]+%))') do
		if fn:match(pattern_identifier) then			
			local c = mod_text:sub(1, p0 - 1):match('^.*' .. pattern_comment .. '%s*$')
			insert(chunk, section_mark .. fn .. section_mark .. '\n\n' .. '<syntaxhighlight lang=lua inline>function ' .. f .. '</syntaxhighlight>\n\n' .. format_doc(c or '<strong class="error">This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.</strong>[[Category:Templates and modules needing documentation]]'))
	local postscriptum = mod_text:match('^.*' .. pattern_comment .. '%s*$')
	if postscriptum then
		insert(chunk, section_mark .. 'Usage notes' .. section_mark .. '\n\n' .. format_doc(postscriptum))
	return frame:preprocess(concat(chunk, '\n\n'))

return export
* All local functions are ignored, because they are invisible outside the module.
* The one exception to this is when object methods are defined inside a local function, as the object may be returned by the module.
* Curly brackets in comments are used as a shortcut for syntaxhighlight, as using syntaxhighlight doesn't work otherwise.