
Avy amin'i Wikibolana — Rakibolana malagasy malalaka

Katalana [Ovay]

Bika matoanteny


  1. mpandray anjara voalohany singiolary filaza manoro ankehitriny ny fiendrika manano ny matoanteny animar


Espaniola [Ovay]

Bika matoanteny


  1. mpandray anjara voalohany singiolary filaza manoro ankehitriny ny fiendrika manano ny matoanteny animar


  • IPA(key): /aˈnimo/, [aˈ]

Portogey [Ovay]

Bika matoanteny


  1. mpandray anjara voalohany ny singiolary ny filaza manoro ankehitriny ny matoanteny animar


Esperanto [Ovay]

Anarana iombonana


  1. Ny fanahy (ny zavatra tsy misy vatana izay heverina ho loharanon'ny fiainana)
  2. lehiben'ny mpanentana na mpisehatra
  3. ny fientanam-po sy ny fahatsapana, ny fanahy, ny toe-po
  4. olona iray na fiainana iray




Anarana iombonana


  1. fahafinaretana, fahazotoana, fanahy




Anarana iombonana


  1. eritreritra
  2. fironana
  3. hevitra
  4. saina
  5. toe-tsaina, herim-po





  1. mahavita mamelona, mamelona
  2. mamelombelona sy mamelona indray
  3. mameno ny fofonaina na ny rivotra
  4. manome fanahy na herim-po
  5. manome fanahy na hery ho an'ny
  6. manome na mitondra fiainana
  7. manome ny saina hanana toe-tsaina manokana
  8. manome toe-tsaina manokana ho an'ny
  9. manome toky; mampahery
  10. miova ho zavamananaina



  • Erreur Lua dans Module:R:Perseus à la ligne 164 : attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • animo in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
  • animo in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • Carl Meißner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (ambiguous) to picture a thing to oneself; to imagine: oculis, ante oculos (animo) proponere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to be well-disposed towards..: benevolo animo esse in aliquem
    • (ambiguous) to look favourably upon; to support: propenso animo, studio esse or propensa voluntate esse in aliquem (opp. averso animo esse ab aliquo)
    • (ambiguous) to indulge oneself: animo or simply sibi indulgere
    • (ambiguous) to be magnanimous, broad-minded: magno animo esse
    • (ambiguous) (1) to be attentive; (2) to keep one's presence of mind: animo adesse
    • (ambiguous) to obscure the mental vision: mentis quasi luminibus officere (vid. sect. XIII. 6) or animo caliginem offundere
    • (ambiguous) to form an idea of a thing, imagine, conceive: animo, cogitatione aliquid fingere (or simply fingere, but without sibi), informare
    • (ambiguous) to form an idea of a thing, imagine, conceive: animo concipere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to form a conception of a thing beforehand: animo, cogitatione aliquid praecipere (Off 1. 23. 81)
    • (ambiguous) to grasp a thing mentally: animo, mente, cogitatione aliquid comprehendere, complecti
    • (ambiguous) a vague notion presents itself to my mind: aliquid animo meo obversatur (cf. sect. III, s. v. oculi)
    • (ambiguous) innate ideas: notiones animo (menti) insitae, innatae
    • (ambiguous) to form a conception, notion of a thing: notionem or rationem alicuius rei in animo informare or animo concipere
    • (ambiguous) to have formed an ideal notion of a thing: comprehensam quandam animo speciem (alicuius rei) habere
    • (ambiguous) to conceive an ideal: singularem quandam perfectionis imaginem animo concipere
    • (ambiguous) to be imbibing false opinions: opiniones falsas animo imbibere
    • (ambiguous) to get a mistaken notion into the mind: errorem animo imbibere
    • (ambiguous) to relieve a man of his scruple: scrupulum ex animo alicuius evellere (Rosc. Am. 2. 6)
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: secum (cum animo) reputare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: considerare in, cum animo, secum aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: agitare (in) mente or (in) animo aliquid
    • (ambiguous) I am resolved; it is my intention: in animo habeo or mihi est in animo c. Inf.
    • (ambiguous) to think of a person with a grateful sense of his goodness: nomen alicuius grato animo prosequi
    • (ambiguous) the memory of this will never fade from my mind: numquam ex animo meo memoria illius rei discedet
    • (ambiguous) a thing escapes, vanishes from the memory: aliquid excidit e memoria, effluit, excidit ex animo
    • (ambiguous) a thing is deeply impressed on the mind: aliquid in animo haeret, penitus insedit or infixum est
    • (ambiguous) to impress a thing on one's memory, mind: aliquid animo mentique penitus mandare (Catil. 1. 11. 27)
    • (ambiguous) to be humorously inclined: animo prompto esse ad iocandum
    • (ambiguous) to be so disposed: ita animo affectum esse
    • (ambiguous) to excite emotion: motus excitare in animo (opp. sedare, exstinguere)
    • (ambiguous) grief has struck deep into his soul: dolor infixus animo haeret (Phil. 2. 26)
    • (ambiguous) to enjoy peace of mind: quieto, tranquillo, securo animo esse
    • (ambiguous) to be very uneasy; to fret: (animo) angi (Brut. 27)
    • (ambiguous) to be brave, courageous: bono animo esse
    • (ambiguous) to be brave by nature: animo forti esse
    • (ambiguous) to show a brisk and cheerful spirit: alacri et erecto animo esse
    • (ambiguous) to lose courage; to despair: animo cadere, deficere
    • (ambiguous) to be cast down, discouraged, in despair: animo esse humili, demisso (more strongly animo esse fracto, perculso et abiecto) (Att. 3. 2)
    • (ambiguous) to possess presence of mind: praesenti animo uti (vid. sect. VI. 8, note uti...)
    • (ambiguous) to endure a thing with (the greatest) sang-froid: aequo (aequissimo) animo ferre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to be resigned to a thing: (animo) paratum esse ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to lose one's composure; to be disconcerted: perturbari (animo)
    • (ambiguous) to be quite unconcerned: animo adesse (Sull. 11. 33)
    • (ambiguous) to conceive a hope: spem concipere animo
    • (ambiguous) to be waiting in suspense for..: suspenso animo exspectare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to stifle, repress all humane sentiments in one's mind: omnem humanitatem ex animo exstirpare (Amic. 13. 48)
    • (ambiguous) to love deeply: aliquem ex animo or ex animi sententia amare (Q. Fr. 1. 1. 5)
    • (ambiguous) to banish love from one's mind: amorem ex animo eicere
    • (ambiguous) to banish all feeling of prejudice from the mind: suspicionem ex animo delere
    • (ambiguous) he is in a suspicious mood: suspicio insidet in animo ejus
    • (ambiguous) my mind forebodes misfortune: animo praesagio malum
    • (ambiguous) something is contrary to my moral sense, goes against my principles: aliquid abhorret a meis moribus (opp. insitum [atque innatum] est animo or in animo alicuius)
    • (ambiguous) to be inconsistent, changeable: animo mobili esse (Fam. 5. 2. 10)
    • (ambiguous) belief in God is part of every one's nature: omnibus innatum est et in animo quasi insculptum esse deum
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself body and soul to the good of the state: totum et animo et corpore in salutem rei publicae se conferre
    • (ambiguous) to consider oneself already victor: victoriam praecipere (animo) (Liv. 10. 26)
  • Ity pejy ity dia nadika avy amin'ny pejy animo tao amin'ny Wikibolana amin'ny teny anglisy. (lisitry ny mpandray anjara)