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Avy amin'i Wikibolana — Rakibolana malagasy malalaka



Anarana iombonana


  1. antso an-taratasy
  2. fiangaviana, antso






  1. miantso amin'ny anarany
  2. miantsona
  3. mitondra fiara



  • Erreur Lua dans Module:R:Perseus à la ligne 164 : attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • appello in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • Carl Meißner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to speak of some one respectfully: honoris causa aliquem nominare or appellare
    • to apply oneself to the study of philosophy: animum appellere or se applicare ad philosophiam
    • to allude to a person or thing (not alludere): significatione appellare aliquem
    • to become a writer, embrace a literary career: animum ad scribendum appellere, applicare
    • the agent (nomenclator) mentions the names of constituents to the canvasser: nomina appellat (nomenclator)
    • to appeal to the plebeian tribunes against a praetor's decision: appellare tribunos plebis (in aliqua re a praetore) (Liv. 2. 55)
    • to land (of people): appellere navem (ad terram, litus)
    • to land (of ships): appelli (ad oram) (Att. 13. 21)
  • Ity pejy ity dia nadika avy amin'ny pejy appello tao amin'ny Wikibolana amin'ny teny anglisy. (lisitry ny mpandray anjara)